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若您第一次購買Vibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each,建議可先旁觀以下購物教學,便可認識購物體式格局,另外保舉使用匯豐信譽卡刷卡付款,享有2.22%購物回饋,等同享有市價3折優惠外再打98折以上優惠,當即申辦享有優惠!

信譽消費及預借現金合用之循環信譽利率:5.68%-15.00%。每筆預借現金手續費:新臺幣100元+預借現金金額 X 3.5%及其他費用查詢請洽滙豐銀行網站/環利率基準日為104年9月1日

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Truth Trust Transparency

Balanced, Colorful, Complete

即速購買 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

頓時購買 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

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No Proprietary Blends

Maximum Vibrance come closer than any other dietary supplement to being singular product one may take in place of all other supplements. The only group of essential nutrients absent from the formula is the omega-3 fatty acids. Unfortunately, technology has not yet developed a stable for of powered omega-3s. Rest assured, when it becomes available it will find its way into our product.

Vibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each

即速購買 DHL 5天快遞到台灣

Maximum Vibrance delivers a meal's worth of high protein, almost no fat, plus a Paleolithic dose of micronutrients. This mean that Maximum Vibrnace will feed the human body a broad and rich range of vitamins, minerals, polyphenols, and nutrition co-factors at levels that closely match the high requirements of the ancient, Paleolithic biochemistry that resides in each of use.

*Formulated by Mark Timon, Founder, Vibrant Health MS Clinical Nutrition

 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each折價券, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each哪裡買, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each哪裡有, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each新光三越, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each大遠百, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each板橋遠百, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each麗寶百貨, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each家樂福, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each大潤發, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each全聯, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each宅配, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each台中大遠百, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each新竹巨城, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each台茂, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each宜蘭, 保健品SuperfoodsVibrant Health, Maximum Vibrance, 10 Packets, 0、83 oz (23、5 g) Each忠孝東路 
  • 100% of the RDI Vitamin & Minerals
  • 120 Ingredient Formula
  • 26 Antioxidants
  • 80 Plants
  • 7 Servings of Fruit & Vegetables
  • 400 mg of Calcium
  • 2,000 i.u. of Vitamin D3
  • 25 Billion Probiotics
  • 23 Grams of Protein
  • 6 Grams of Fiber
  • 7 Digestive Enzymes
  • 1 Balanced Meal

Maximum Vibrance is the most comprehensive nutritional multi-supplement you will find anywhere in the world. It's more than a superfoods, it's a Futurefood!

We are programmed to need more micronutrients than our modern foods can supply. When we don't get enough micronutrients- and there are thousands- biological systems falter or may breakdown entirely. Immunity, growth, maturation, healing, cardiac health, skeletal health, and a wide range of body systems may begin to function poorly. Maximum Vibrance should prevent those events that too often deplete a person's vitality.

  • Where Science & Nature Meet
  • C3 Critical Cellular Care
  • All in One Multi-Supplement
  • Advanced Daily Futurefood
  • Contains All Known Nutrients
  • Organic Multi-Mineral Complex
  • 7 Servings of Fruit + Vegetables
  • 7 Vegetable Based Digestive Enzymes
  • 6g of Fiber
  • 26 Antioxidants
  • 5g of BCAA's
  • Meal Replacement
  • And So Much More!
  • 25 Billion Probiotics
  • Organic Multi Vitamin
  • 23g Protein
  • Gluten-Free
  • Soy Free
  • Dietary Supplement
  • Clinically Formulated*
  • Looks What's Inside
  • 120 Ingredient Formula

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